Dave “Benny Hill” Williams priming the Sexton Engine

The view from the gunner’s seat in the Sexton SPG

The Sexton at Bovington. Video by Dedoelker.

Another view of the Sexton at Bovington Tank Museum. Video by Grompix

Video by Monkeytennis.

(Note how the sound is clipped by the microphone. It certainly sounds VERY different in the vehicle!)


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Richard Tallack · 21/05/2013 at 13:11

Great idea to film with the setting sun behind so the muzzle flash is more effective. Was that Brody on camera?

Richard Tallack · 21/05/2013 at 13:11

Great idea to film with the setting sun behind so the muzzle flash is more effective. Was that Brody on camera?

Richard Tallack · 21/05/2013 at 13:11

Great idea to film with the setting sun behind so the muzzle flash is more effective. Was that Brody on camera?

The Ubique Right of the Line Group · 21/05/2013 at 21:10

Yep. This is the short version, the longer version has good audio as well.

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